Introducing Poetic Interaction Design
poetic material, poetic expression, poetic function, & poetic form
example : poetic expression
Whisper by Lin
sb2 emma from j.c.karich on Vimeo.
sandbox27 from j.c.karich on Vimeo.
example: poetic material
The History Table
feature interaction designers:
Dana Gordan
j.c. Karich
Studio Action 3:
questions: what is poetic interaction? what is its meaning related to another notion of interaction design?
1. frame "poetic" in contrast with another term.
for example:
poetic vs. functional
poetic vs. instrumental
poetic vs. descriptive
poetic vs. deterministic
2. find at least 3 examples of "poetic material" (of course, in contrast to other notions)
3. search and introduce at least 1 interaction/industrial designer who present "poetic" quality of design
Deadline: 4/15, 2013
Tags: SA3, your ID number